(1) The World Crisis - "Berlin: While the Western Allies increase their aerial shuttle into Berlin, Russia's refusal to negotiate leaves issue in doubt. The threat of a show-down brings the world close to war. East Anglia: Landing on fields used by our 8th Air Force during the war, sixty Superforts arrive on training mission. Berlin crisis lends significance to huge bombers' arrival. Washington: Gen. Lucius Clay, commander of U.S. forces in Germany, arrives by plane for top-level conferences on the 'cold war' crisis with official Washington. Secretary Royall and Gen. Bradley meet him at airport." - coal cars stand idle, power turned off in West Berlin, but 450 flights daily, and 60 B-29s arrive in England; (2) Gen. Hershey Gives Draft Instructions - "Washington: Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, wartime head of Selective Service, has been appointed to head up this country's new draft. He explaines the new set-up in a newsreel interview, and stresses that all men between 18 and 25 must register." - Hershey speaks about draft registration beginning August 30 (3) News In Brief Top U.S. Communists Seized - "New York: Moving swiftly in a suprprise round-up, government agents arrest the top-ranking communists in this country. William Foster, Ben Davis and other accused foes of U.S. democracy are arrested under provisions of Smith bill." - 12 communists arrested, including Eugene Denis, William Foster, John Williamson, Fred Stoeckl (4) Turkey Gets U.S. Submarines - "Izmir, Turkey: Turkey takes formal title to four undersea craft, veterans of Pacific fighting, turned over by the United States. Turkish and U.S. officials take part in impressive ceremony, following arrival of craft from U.S." (partial newsreel).
Reviewer:Christine Hennig
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June 11, 2006 Subject:
Cold War Paranoia Well Underway
Newsreel from the late 40s reporting on the Soviet blockade of Berlin and the subsequent Berlin Airlift. Also included are stories on the continuation
of the military draft, American communists being arrested and tried for treason, and the US giving four submarines to Turkey. Thereâs a definite cold war feeling here in all of these stories, making this a good example of a newsreel from the postwar period. Ratings: Camp/Humor Value: *. Weirdness: ***. Historical Interest: ****. Overall Rating: ****.